Page 17 - Microsoft Word - Broschüre englisch.doc
P. 17

Next	 to	 this,	 a	 block	 of	 construction	 type	 5007	 from	 signal	 box	 2	 at
       Traisen	station	and	the	main	signal	box	(a	so-called	“Rankapparat”)	from
       the	 station	 manager’s	 office	 at	 the	 station	 in	 Maria	 Saal	 have	 been
       erected.	This	was	the	most	common	mechanical	safety	equipment	to	be
       found	in	Austria.	Even	today	equipment	of	this	kind	can	still	be	found	in
       the	countries	that	succeeded	the	monarchy.

       Since	the	start	of	the	railway	age,	signalling	technology	has	kept	pace
       with	 the	 cutting	 edge	 of	 technology.	 Modern	 railway	 signalling
       technology	 and	 the	 equipment	 used	 fulfil	 a	 complex	 and	 responsible
       range	of	tasks:	they	control	the	points,	tracks	and	signals,	make	the	rail
       tracks	secure,	steer	the	trains	and	monitor	their	speed.

                       Opposite	the	mechanical	signals	there	are	a	VGS	80	(a
                       simplified	 signal	 box),	 which	 was	 in	 operation	 at
                       Friesach	 station	 until	 2002,	 and	 a	 push-button	 signal
                       box,	which	was	used	in	Rothenthurn	until	2006.

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