Page 47 - Microsoft Word - Broschüre englisch.doc
P. 47

Mayors	of	St.	Veit	elected	from	1850	to	the	present	day

       Josef	Weisenhof,	pharmacist,	1850-1864
       Moritz	Seyerl,	factory	official,	1864-1869
       Matthias	Grawein,	gingerbread	maker,	1869-1878
       Georg	Karagyena,	pharmacist,	1879-1884
       Dr.	Franz	Prettner,	lawyer,	1885-1891
       Anton	Reichel,	pharmacist,	1891-1901
       Andreas	Herzog,	land	register	clerk,	1901-1904
       Dr.	Johann	Spöck,	notary,	1904-1912
       Anton	Reichel,	pharmacist,	1913-1915
       Dr.	Karl	Domening,	doctor,	1915-1919
       Leopold	 Polanz,	 railwayman,	 1920-1933,	 1945-
       Hubert	Zankl,	teacher,	1950-1963
       Martin	Rom,	railwayman,	1963-1966
       Ing.	Friedrich	Wolte,	railwayman,	1966-1988
       Gerhard	Mock,	railwayman,	1989-today

       The	St.	Veit	mint

       At	the	end	of	the	12 	century,	the	mint	in	Friesach
       owned	by	the	Salzburg	archbishops	came	in	for	major
       competition	when	a	mint	was	opened	in	St.	Veit	by
       the	Carinthian	dukes.

       One	 of	 the	 most	 famous	 masters	 of	 the	 mint	 was
       Johann	Georg	Perro,	whose	coins	were	amongst	the
       most	beautiful	in	the	empire.

       In	the	middle	of	the	14 	century,	the	minting	activities	ran	dry.	Coins
       were	only	minted	again	in	1515	under	Emperor	Maximilian	I.	The	mint	in
       St.	Veit	had	to	cease	operations	permanently	in	1720.

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